Electric Athletic Club invites you to take this time to go for a run, a hike, a long drive, or just a walk around the neighborhood in the fresh air. Be with family or friends, in person if you're able, or virtually otherwise. 


Our gear store is going dark Thursday through Sunday to encourage reflecting on all that we still have to be grateful for this year. In the most trying year any of us can remember, amid sickness and loss and economic hardship, with bitter divisions and mistrust amongst our peers, we have made it this far. You have made it this far. Not without earning a few bumps and bruises and scars, but the fact that we're all still here and showing up every day is worthy of reflection and celebration. Take this time to acknowledge your own resilience and to honor those who have helped you along the way.


We'll be back online Monday morning at midnight eastern with some fun new gear options and a great Cyber Monday special to say thank you to all of our members who make EAC so special.